Do emotions or interpersonal challenges ever get in the way of your productivity? Do you feel frustrated when it is hard to get information you need to do your job, negotiate between perspectives that are in conflict or collaborate with others on a stressful project?
We will explore why emotional intelligence is so vital and how it contributes to effective responses to challenging situations.
Did you know?
- According to industry experts, EQ skills are more important to job performance than any other leadership skill?
- 90% of high performers are also high in emotional intelligence
- Emotional intelligence correlates positively to conflict prevention and resolution
- You can grow your emotional intelligence?
Learning Objectives
- Participants will be able to define emotional intelligence and name 3 benefits of using emotional intelligence in their work as business analysts
- Participants will learn why emotional intelligence is vital for the success of every professional
- Participants will discover 3 ways to grow their emotional intelligence