Feeling Brave This Thanksgiving?

This Thanksgiving you will likely be with family and/or friends to enjoy a meal.  When you do there will probably be a conversation.  If your tribe is able to talk about politics or world issues there may be strong feelings expressed if you are brave enough to go into...

Tips for powerful conversations

Have you ever had to speak to someone who has more rank than you do, about a delicate topic?  Just imagining doing this is frightening to most of us.  In order to grow your capacity at home and at work, and to resolve issues, there are times you will need to do this....

When You See Something Say Nothing

One of the common communication problems in construction involves the problem of workers getting quiet at the wrong time. Those with lower rank are often reluctant to speak up, especially when it comes to safety.  Most have heard the safety leader or the boss say...

How are you using your status, especially after a mess up?

Have you ever had a work situation where someone’s rank changed substantially, or someone messed up?  How did those involved handle that situation?  Did everyone impacted use their status in a way that contributed to the good of the company?  Or did some people act...

Joy in the Midst of Hardship

The Grinch had taken everything, all their floofloovers all their tartookas. He snatched every whohooper and gardooka.  He stole the roast beast. He left nothing, not even a crumb for that mouse.   Then he horsewhipped poor Max his dog, and that giant sled of toys, up...