The Potentially Devastating Power of Rank

Three years ago, I saw Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper in the successful remake of the movie “A Star is Born” and there was a scene toward the end which captured my attention. Spoiler alert: If you have not seen the movie, you may want to skip this. But I am guessing you...

Why “No News” is Bad News

A client recently said to me, “No news is good news” is not ok with us.  He was talking about safety in his company. I loved his comment.  When it comes to safety and healthy work culture for those working in high-risk environments, you could reframe it as “No...

Can You Prevent Suicide?

Do not wait to have that conversation. You know how some memories stay in your mind?  I still remember the handshake. The very physical, nearly-break-your-knuckles grip the solidly built young man put on me. And the comment,  “Esch, I am nothin!!”   He was loud and...