Not long ago I was having lunch with a friend. I asked how his business was going and he said it was going real well except that one of his managers was having a bit of a hard time. Three of his direct reports had quit on this manager in a fairly short period of time, for a variety of reasons. My response was something like this, “Ouch. That does not sound pleasant at all…well what’s that costing you?” He said he didn’t want to think about the costs. I said that as his friend and as a professional who works with such things that I wanted him to think about it. He thought about it. Later on he asked if I thought I could help this manager retain workers. I said I was confident that I could.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
One more employee quit while under this manager until he hired me to begin coaching him. In the first six months that I was coaching him not one of his four direct reports quit or was fired. I am the sole reason for that result? I doubt it. Have I helped to lower this companies cost related to turnover? Absolutely, and for a small fraction of what it costs to hire someone in this particular type of business. (By the way I know that losing three workers for a company like this can cost $60,000-$100,000)
And the financial costs are just one part of the equation. The other costs are relational, emotional and stress-related. These are harder to calculate, but equally real and potentially dangerous to a company.
What are the not-yet resolved conflicts costing your business in dollars and emotions?
I can lower those costs for your business through training, coaching and facilitating meetings where resolutions can happen. Please contact me for information about how to set up an assessment meeting and begin lowering those often unrecognized costs.