Is Blame an Issue for you? Part II by Tom Esch
by Tom Esch | Sep 23, 2022 | Blog
My wife Kristen had a car accident recently. In our driveway. It was not the first time. She expected me to blow up and shower her with blame. I did neither. Why not? Because I “accused myself” first, as recommended by the Persian poet Rumi: When something goes...
Is Blame an Issue? Part I
by Tom Esch | Aug 11, 2022 | Blog
Do you ever find yourself wanting to blame others for a painful situation? Are others habitually blaming you? When something goes bad at work or at home do you want to point the finger at another person? “Not my fault!” “I had nothing to do with it.” “I think it...
Meditation? “No, I want real solutions to stress”
by Tom Esch | Aug 11, 2022 | Blog
Most of my coaching these days is with men in construction. These guys are hard-working, tough, no-nonsense individuals. They are used to navigating high stress situations. And these days many of them are showing signs of significant stress: drinking too much, not...
The Slap Heard Round the World
by Tom Esch | Apr 1, 2022 | Blog
Was it real? Did Will Smith really slap Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars? And why? Just in case you are the only one who missed it. Rock made a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s hair. She was present in the audience, looking beautiful and with almost no...
What are you sourcing?
by Tom Esch | Feb 8, 2022 | Blog
There I was in Chicago on a windy evening, in mid-December, and I just wanted to get home. I had been travelling a lot and my wife called to tell me that there were tornado level winds coming up from the south and hitting Minneapolis about an hour before my plane...
The Potentially Devastating Power of Rank
by Tom Esch | Dec 14, 2021 | Blog
Three years ago, I saw Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper in the successful remake of the movie “A Star is Born” and there was a scene toward the end which captured my attention. Spoiler alert: If you have not seen the movie, you may want to skip this. But I am guessing you...
I know why the driver in Waukesha did it
by Tom Esch | Nov 30, 2021 | Using Your Power Effectively, Blog
Another unbelievable tragedy, just days before Thanksgiving. A driver in Waukesha smashed his vehicle into a crowd this past weekend at a holiday parade, killing six people and injuring well over 40. Why? We all want to know why. Did the gas pedal get stuck? I do...
Why “No News” is Bad News
by Tom Esch | Oct 29, 2021 | Interpersonal Communication, Blog
A client recently said to me, "No news is good news” is not ok with us. He was talking about safety in his company. I loved his comment. When it comes to safety and healthy work culture for those working in high-risk environments, you could reframe it as “No news is...
Can You Prevent Suicide?
by Tom Esch | Sep 8, 2021 | Using Your Power Effectively, Blog
Do not wait to have that conversation. You know how some memories stay in your mind? I still remember the handshake. The very physical, nearly-break-your-knuckles grip the solidly built young man put on me. And the comment, “Esch, I am nothin!!” He was loud and...
Police officers and George Floyd: What side are u on?
by Tom Esch | May 26, 2021 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
George Floyd was killed by Derek Chauvin, a year ago yesterday. Just a few miles from where our family lived for 18 years. A huge loss for all who knew Mr. Floyd. And a lot of years in prison for Mr. Chauvin. Tragic on multiple levels. It disrupted us as a...