Be Brave: Speak Up!
by Tom Esch | Jan 3, 2017 | Uncomfortable Conversations, Blog
We can model the courage to speak up, or to reach out, before things get to the quitting or firing point. Catch it earlier. The first time you have that unhappy feeling in your gut, or see someone suffering, explore what is happening.
Post-Election Communication Support
by Tom Esch | Nov 10, 2016 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
This election process was so polarized, so split on values and so full of the less-than-beautiful that the aftermath is challenging. What can we do to make sure we are not letting our feelings rule our interactions?
Trump and Clinton: Less to Hide More to Give?
by Tom Esch | Oct 20, 2016 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
I’ve decided to stop judging Trump and Clinton. I see them as foils who represent parts of us all. And by their not so virtuous qualities, unintentionally inviting us all to begin or continue a journey where at the end we will have less to hide and more to give.
“Managing Intercultural Workforce Tensions in Racially Charged Times”
by Tom Esch | Jul 20, 2016 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
Work towards justice and a more integrated workforce, from the top and the bottom. Expect some bumps in the road, but also for your business to thrive as you courageously address these delicate issues and work for genuine diversity at work and at home.
Making the Most of Cultural Differences
by Tom Esch | Feb 22, 2016 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
These are things we are doing, with companies like yours, to help workers find ways to communicate effectively and respectfully in the midst of significant, interpersonal, racial, ethnic and gender-based differences. It is making a difference.
Release Your Inner-Viking
by Tom Esch | Feb 8, 2016 | Interpersonal Communication, Blog
You can learn to be more direct and also still the completely nice person you are at your core. It is possible. It can be extra challenging when you work with people whose relatives come from countries other than Norway, Sweden and Germany, but the same basic principles apply.
Before “The Bigga” Conversation
by Tom Esch | Jan 27, 2016 | Uncomfortable Conversations, Blog
So you are not getting along very well with that other person and your stress level is high. You have decided it is time for “The Bigga” conversation. It takes incredible courage to even seriously consider it especially in conflict-reticent cultures.
When NOT to Have That Conscious Conversation
by Tom Esch | Nov 24, 2024 | Blog
So many people are talking about crucial conversations, courageous conversations, fierce conversations and constructive conversations. I am all for them. But there is also a time to NOT have that conversation.
Happy Brave Thanksgiving
by Tom Esch | Nov 25, 2015 | Uncomfortable Conversations, Blog
I challenge you to make space for a variety of perspectives and to modulate the tendency to fight, flee, freeze or appease. I invite you to engage and not let your reptilian brain run the show. How do you do that?

Spotting a “no” disguised as a “yes”
by Tom Esch | Jun 29, 2015 | Interpersonal Communication, Blog
When someone says “yes” that sounds like a “no” or a “maybe” I believe it is incumbent on the person making the request to gently press for their level of commitment to the request. When they say a firm “no” it may be best to let go.