I’m worried about white men.  I know this is a risky thing to write. White middle-aged men in particular.  I know, you may think I’m a racist, or an ageist.  Or fomenting conflict.  From my point of view, I am genuinely worried about white-middle-aged men (and yes, in case you don’t know me, I’m also concerned about African American men, women and other semi or fully-marginalized groups).  

Why white men?  There are several reasons.  1) It seems like almost no one else is.  2) We white men are the prime reason women are harassed and sexually abused—which suggests we have a lot of unprocessed trauma.  3)  We are culturally and genetically conditioned to “fix” problems by ourselves and often end up isolated  4)  We have taken a pretty good hit, in a variety of ways, since #Metoo exploded in Oct 2017.  (yes, well-deserved and for every good reason!).  and 5)  Most importantly, we middle aged white men make up the majority all suicides in the USA, according to the AFSP (70% in 2017).  It is even worse in the UK where suicide is the #1 cause of death for white men.

 Though I have only had one fleeting moment, when I was ill and living in Nairobi, Kenya, when I briefly considered it, I have been touched deeply by suicide.   When I was in the seminary, one of priests on the faculty at the University of Notre Dame took his own life.  Also, a gifted and gregarious seminarian died by suicide—which shook us all to the core.  And one of our neighbors, a friend of our son’s, ended his life just a few years ago.  All white men.

Things are shifting for many men.  I was contacted recently by a Fortune 500 company about leading a “Courageous Conversation” with a large group of their employees about the #MeToo movement, with a focus on how it has impacted men.  Why?  Because they report that some men are afraid to interact with women and it is hurting business.  Wow.

These experiences suggest that some women are feeling empowered and men are “on their heels” (no pun intended).  I do not expect any empathy from most women on these observations.  We all know that you have suffered in a variety of serious ways because of some men.   When 27,000+ women tweeted “MeToo” in Oct 2017 it sent a clarion call of awareness to the world, and in particular to men.  I do expect, from women who have been “healed enough” in their relationships with men, a willingness to also consider the perspectives of men. 

Things have been unequal for a very long time.  It is time for change.  Many women are feeling powerful.   Some of us men are feeling vulnerable.   “Welcome to the club!” the ladies say.  “It is about time.”  “Your turn to suffer.”  “Let’s get out our little violins.”  I know, revenge is natural response, I feel it too some days. 

I’m just a little worried about what is happening to some men.   I believe that men have fewer relational resources.  We tend to have less friends than women, and we tend to be less emotionally intelligent, which is a proven key to success in life.  While we were out killing saber-toothed tigers and defending the tribe from enemies, you were back in the cave managing complex relationships and growing your relational skills.  And I know that sounds like a big excuse, but the DNA may be more powerful than anyone knows.  Many of us men are growing our relational skills.

What is the solution to all of this?  Who knows?  
I do have four ideas for men and three for women.
For men:

  1. Find support with other men.  Groups like Illuman , Jack’s Caregiver Coalition (based in Minnesota) and Sacred Sons.
  2. Keep finding and healing your trauma (find a good coach, or a therapist and dig in)
  3. Expect things to be different at work and home.  Some women who used to defer to you are not going to now.
  4. If you have seniority at work, find ways to empower women…but do not forget other men or throw them under the bus.

For women:

  1. Do not forget your emotional and relational rank.  You tend to be far better at connecting and making friends.  This is no small advantage you have, especially at this point in history.  
  2. Keep growing your power.   We men will be better off as you claim your power. 
  3. And please, if you are feeling the need for revenge on us men, find a way to transform that feeling.

Please let me know what you think of all this.  I know these are hot issues right now.   If you want to create more balanced and healthy human communities at work and home, please be in touch.  I’d be honored to be a part of making that happen!