by Tom Esch | Dec 10, 2012 | Using Your Power Effectively, Blog
There are lots of ways in which power is misused. Sometimes it looks like unethical business decisions or sexual misconduct (as I wrote about in Misuse of Power—Part I) and other times it looks more benign—like a leader who is lost in their ego-self or taking up too...
by Tom Esch | Aug 17, 2011 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
I was with a group one time when a person “hijacked” the group. This is a term in my trade which describes what happens when a person, or a small group, takes control of a situation or a group process without permission to do so. In this case it was in the midst of a...
by Tom Esch | Jun 27, 2011 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
There was a street fight right in front of our house, in Minneapolis, on New Year’s Eve last year at about 2 a.m. A group of eight young men, probably 16-18 yrs old, yelling and screaming and punching. They were either drunk or high or both and very loud. Kristen, my...
by Tom Esch | Dec 11, 2023 | Using Your Power Effectively, Blog
Do you feel like your life is a bit of a battle these days? Are you finding stress or conflict at home or your place of work? This is an inspiring little story that might give you a helpful insight. It is from the heart and mind of a spiritual master who wrote it more...
by Tom Esch | Oct 14, 2014 | Presentations
Do you tend to avoid that person or situation you find to be difficult? Would you like to learn to communicate more powerfully and diplomatically? Would you like to know how to avoid common troubles business analysts have? Do you want more capacity to prevent and...