Happy Thanksgiving Day
by Tom Esch | Nov 28, 2019 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
First I wish to express my gratitude to all those who have supported my work in 2019. It has been an exceptional year for me, both my regular consulting work as well as the "Fr. Vito" show that is going on its fourth year. Your support, interest and care has really...
How I caught a 44″ musky on the 1st cast!
by Tom Esch | Oct 4, 2019 | Using Your Power Effectively, Blog
It was thiiiiiiiiis big! Ten days ago I went fishing in northern Wisconsin with my son Elijah. He is just starting college and I wanted one last trip with him before the weather turned. On the first cast of the day I caught a 44” musky, the fish of 10,000 casts. What...
This Is Not About Guns
by Tom Esch | Apr 3, 2018 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
This is not about guns. I do not know enough about guns to be an activist about guns. I do know about communication. It is about people speaking up respectfully and effectively when something is awry. This is my business. This is info about a confidential app to...
“MeToo” Movement
by Tom Esch | Dec 19, 2017 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
This is a tough article for me to write. I’ve been putting it off for a while and cannot put it off any longer. I’m nervous because I feel this is mostly a time for us men to listen. And I’m nervous that whatever I say here may be met by some with criticism.
How My Mom Handled a Jerk and Diffused a Potentially Violent Situation
by Tom Esch | Nov 11, 2017 | Blog
With the holidays just around the corner I bet we’ll all have the chance to witness people doing things that seem odd to us — both at work and home. If we have forgiven them enough, and done enough of our inner work, can ask—with real curiosity and no anger — “What are you doing?” We just might get some useful answers.
Uber’s “Toxic” Culture
by Tom Esch | Jul 11, 2017 | Using Your Power Effectively, Blog
Uber is in trouble. After several years of incredible growth things are getting ugly. CEO Travis Kalanick has just announced he’s taking a leave of absence to work on himself and reflect on building a “world class leadership team” in the wake of reports pointing to his company’s toxic culture.
Disrespect at Work? You Can Make A Difference!
by Tom Esch | Aug 16, 2017 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
How do we keep our workforce engaged, respectful and working together in harmony? How can you keep your company culture from “going Uber”? Uber’s CEO recently stepped down after a number of crisis moments, all pointing to a toxic work culture and a climate of disrespect. This is a challenge, especially in industries that can’t find a way to pay their entry level workers a living wage.
Trump Fires Comey: What Can You Do About It?
by Tom Esch | May 11, 2017 | How to Handle Polarizing Topics and Challenging People, Blog
The whole world knows by now: our President has fired James Comey, the head of the FBI. This was surprising news to almost everyone. It is unsettling. Kind of like the way the election happened: unexpected and dramatic.
Could the bully be you?
by Tom Esch | Feb 2, 2017 | Using Your Power Effectively, Blog
When we perceive the other to be a bully or a tyrant, even if that person is an elected political leader, it is especially hard for us to see the ways we might be acting as less than respectful.

Courageous Communication—the party secret
by Tom Esch | Jan 10, 2017 | Uncomfortable Conversations, Blog
Are you looking for innovative ideas to build deeper relationships at work and home? Here is a real simple one that you can do with potentially powerful results.